Op-ed: 7 strategic dilemmas in sustainable seafood, Seafood Source, January 13 2023

//Op-ed: 7 strategic dilemmas in sustainable seafood, Seafood Source, January 13 2023

Op-ed: 7 strategic dilemmas in sustainable seafood, Seafood Source, January 13 2023

Seafood Source, January 13 2023 

Over the last two years, Seafood2030 and BounceBeyond have worked with seafood stakeholders to gain a better understanding of the “sustainable seafood system,” or the collective impact of those working on sustainable seafood. Seafood2030 completed a scoping exercise which identified 7 strategic dilemmas in this system. 

They categorised them under three spheres: ‘sphere of control (where the system has high leverage over the issues it is addressing), sphere of influence (medium leverage), sphere of interest (low leverage). There are also system level dilemmas that are challenges across all three spheres.’

The article provides an overview of the 7 dilemmas; evaluation, innovation adoption, accountability, narrative, strategic coherence, governance/deep collaboration and innovation development. Seafood2030 plans to dive deeper into the issues more over the next year.

Our thoughts: While not specifically about the MSC, this is a useful analysis of various elements of the sustainable seafood movement and how they work together to deliver systemic change. It’s a useful lens through which to consider MSC’s role and impact in driving change.

2023-02-21T16:40:55+00:00January 13th, 2023|Categories: Allgemein|